Customer Spotlight
The History of Mayo
Mayonnaise, a traditional, tangy blend of eggs, oil and vinegar, is a condiment that many Americans can’t live without. Alongside ketchup and mustard, mayonnaise is one of the most purchased condiments in the U.S., according to Mintel. Most well-known for its use on a burger or sandwich, mayo can also be used as a dressing for salads or a creamy... -
Product Spotlight: Gedney Foods
Who remembers eating almost an entire jar of pickles as a kid? I mean, pickles are technically a fruit, right? Actually, pickles are both a fruit and vegetable, according to the U.S. Supreme Court. Because they have seeds, pickles are technically a “fruit of the vine.” However, because they are made from cucumbers, they are generally known as a vegetable... -
Jelly, Jam and Preserves
Admittedly, I’ve spent most of my life not knowing the difference between jelly, jam and preserves. It was only recently that I found out the difference. Jelly shakes and jam doesn’t, right? Some of you might remember that song by the Glenn Miller Orchestra, “It Must Be Jelly (‘Cause Jam Don’t Shake Like That).” Well, there’s actually a scientific way... -
For the Love of Pasta Sauce
Everyone knows that infamous scene from Lady and the Tramp where the two dogs share a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. That’s what I think of when I think of true love. Okay, not really, but that scene does leave quite the impression. People don’t always think of pasta as a “love” food, but red is the color of Valentine’s... - An error has happened during application run. See var/log/wp/error.log for details
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